Mr. Mitsuhiro Kimura is the president of the Japanese traditional conservative organization, Issuikai. The organization focuses not only on problems concerning the Japanese society but also on international issues. It keeps friendly relationships with Russian, East-Ukranian, Abkhazian, Hungarian, French, Iraqi, etc. politicians. The organization’s goals include turning Japan into a completely independent country while abolishing the unipolar world.
Could you describe to our readers goals and mission of Issuikai?
We want to break free from the subsidiary position we have in the case of our relationship with America and our goal is to turn Japan into a completely free, decision-making country. We work hard in politics to convey our message to the citizens.
What is Issuikai`s influence on the Japanese society. How do you try to improve it?
We introduce our activities in our monthly magazine called „Reconquista“. We also think that it is necessary to spread our ideology and gain more readers. To be able to achieve our goals, we have to be trustful and spread the western news impartially.
What kind of organisations do you cooperate in homeland and in abroad? Could you name just a few of your partners?
In Japan, we work together with ethnic groups. We cooperate on activities, where our goals are ithe same. For example, during this year´s National Fundation Day (February 11), we worked together with 49 groups at 30 places across Japan.
What concerns our international activities:
In 2010, we participated in the Fourth World Congress of Patriotic Parties in Moscow.
In 2012, we participated in the conference of the Alliance of European National Movements (AENM).
In 2010, we invited the Delegation of the European Union together with Mr. Bruno Gollnisch from the French National Front and the party leader Le Pen and we held the „Meeting of patriots for world peace“.
Furthermore, we have visited Iraq more than 20 times.
Do you have contacts with Japanese political parties, movements or politicians? If so, which they are and how do you cooperate with them?
We hold meetings not only with local assembly members, but also with leading figures of Japanese politics. We actively exchange opinions and in this way try to understand each other better. Not to be influenced only by our own way of thinking is Issuikai´s basic principle. If our views agree, we are willing to cooperate.
What is your attitude to official Japanese foreign policy? How would you change it if you were ruling movement in Japan?
The Japanese government has to become free of American control. It is important to hand on a completely independent Japan to our grandchildren. This is the reason why we are strongly opposing to a policy that would benefit only America.
What is your attitude to contemporary World order where USA plays role of dominating power?
America is trying to become the center of the world. However, America doesn´t have a long history. Also, it is a country where many different ethnic groups gather. Ever since the country has been founded, there is racial discrimination and the ideals and reality are different. Many Americans don´t have real understanding for the minorities. America doesn´t have any intentions to reflect upon the bad which comes from ruling by violent power. America´s policy of complete devotion to military is undesired there, where the most important thing is respecting each country´s rights and solving international problems through diplomacy. It is true that America is becoming a superpower but it is impossible to allow America to take the leadership. The same goes for the so-called superpower, China.
According to you, Japan should form own pole in multipolar world? If so, which states should, according to you, form that pole together with Japan?
It is not important for Japan to become the center of the world. It is a difficult question, but we think that the most important thing for each country is the mutual respect. We don´t think that America´s capitalism suits all countries of the world. The people´s welfare cannot be secured by money. We think that we have to be on good terms with Russia. We can say that President Putin´s actions are pro-Japanese. The Japanese should recognize this and we should have smooth relationships with Russia.
Japan is a member of G7 group. What role Japan plays in the group? Emerging national economies became more influential in these days. Do you think that Japan should cooperate more intensively with such groups as BRICS or Shanghai Cooperation Organisation?
In G7, Japan should play the role of a mediator between Russia, Great Britain and America.
Furthermore, from an economic and diplomatic perspective, it is important to cooperate with emerging national economies.
What is your attitude to the question of Japanese military presence outside of Japan?
It is a defense-only policy. For this reason, it is necessary to prepare ourselves so that our country, our territory and our nation would not be attacked. This means that the constitution has to be revised. The US-Japan Security Treaty doesn´t protect our country.
Japan has to have an own national army to protect itself. This, however, doesn´t mean that Japan would ever become hostile.
What is your attitude to Japan-Russia relations? Do you see here some room to improve them? What should do Japanese government and what Russian one to reach better stage?
Japan and Russia were at war 110 years ago. Russia´s participation in the Second World War is a very sad thing. It affected negatively lots of lives in both of our countries. However, it has been 70 years since the end of the war. From now on, we have to forget that past and have to proceed to a better future. We have to change our feelings towards Russia and have to build up a friendly relationship. Since the cold war, America and Russia have been in opposition. The Russian government´s diplomacy towards Japan should be positive and it should solve the territorial disputes and natural resource issues that have emerged between our countries. However, Japan is under America´s control. To be able to cooperate with Russia, we need to break free from the American influence.
What is your attitude to Ukraine crisis (change of power in end of February, Crimea, Doneck and Lugansk region)?
The Ukraine crisis started from a tug of war between the European Union and Russia. However, America has been influencing it too. Since the era of the Soviet Union each minority has been living in its own territory. These days, the basic ethnic consciousness is still the same. It is necessary to study history and to give maximum priority to the wishes of the minorities living in Crimea, Doneck and Lugansk.
What is your attitude to crisis in Syria, Iraq and Venezuela?
The whole world community together with the United Nations has to cooperate and help with solving the problems these countries face.